So did you know that my little guy is 6 months old.
Half way to a year.
NO WAY, right?
Check out this crazy kid! :)
Love him!
In other news... I haven't been doing so good at this blog thing lately. And now here we are, the last day of June and I am only posting my 3rd post for this month! What is it about summer that makes time fly EXTRA fast? There seems to be a wedding, get-together or celebration of some sort every weekend! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the fun events, but I hate to see summer go by so quickly!
I LOVE lists. I make lists for pretty much everything I do.
Whether its grocery shopping (OBVIOUSLY list-worthy), errands I need to run that day, or items I need to pack for a trip. Lists are essential.
My husband thinks I'm crazy (which is nothing new) and often mocks to others that "oh she can make you a list"... or something to that extent.
I'm OK with that though, because lists are really important.
Lists motivate you, keep you organized, and remind you of everything that you would have forgotten had it not been written down (really, how many trips can you go on where you forget your hairbrush?!)
Anyways. I decided to come up with a list of 50 things I'd like to do in the next 6 months - some are small, others are big! And since I am posting it out here for all to see I have EXTRA motivation to get this stuff crossed off :)
- Get 25+ items on Etsy
- Do one bridal fair for wedding invitations
- Develop wedding invitation portfolio
- Have a garage sale
- Make and order Mariah's a 2nd year shutterfly book
- Deep clean the garage
- Take kids on a trip (this will be FUN! I can't wait!)
- Run the bix!
- Run one more race
- Finish a prayer shawl
- Join a ministry/group at church
- Go "vegetarian" for a week (I've always wanted to do this!)
- Make baby food
- Backup photos
- Try out my embroidery machine
- Knit/crochet a blanket
- Start using
- Powerwash outside of house
- Go on a picnic
- Make sorbet
- Date night once a month
- Update baby books (why is this so tough to keep up on?!)
- Make a holiday craft with the kids
- Make quilt from baby clothes
- Schedule a home energy audit
- Do a bake and freeze meal day
- Host a holiday at our home
- Bring a meal to a friend in need
- Have a family movie night
- Make t-shirt yarn
- Blog twice a week
- Scan Mariah & Madden's day care projects
- Go on a walk by the river as a family
- Sort & file bills
- Shop at Aldi
- Set up savings accounts for Mariah and Madden
- Pay off highest interest student loan
- Start recycling (consistently!)
- Fly a kite with kids
- Learn the day care prayer before meal and say it
Go to the Farmer's Market- Re-arrange Mariah's room for a toddler
- Re-purpose one clothing item
- Clean and organize laundry room
- Create a weekly meal plan (and post on blog!)
- Clean and organize Madden's closet
- Organize laundry room
- Make cover for ottoman (a microfiber ottoman is NOT ideal with kids)
- Wash all windows & window sills
- Update pictures on our walls (I think engagement pictures are slightly outdated at this point...!)
So here goes nothing. 6 months to complete 50 things - should be easy, right?!
Help keep me motivated - PLEASE! :)