Madden is one busy boy. Although he has started his "tantrum throwing", he still has his sweet moments which make up for all of it. My favorite is when we tuck him in bed at night and say "Night Night, Love you". And he responds "Love you!". Awww, makes my heart melt. :)
Mariah is really growing up before our eyes. Every day I can SEE that she got taller and if we mention that to her she is SOO excited and a huge smile beams from her face.
She has also been busy packing up her backpack in anticipation for preschool. She even has us "pretend" to drop her off - we give her a hug and kiss, tell her to have a great day and she just smiles and looks so proud. (Hopefully the REAL drop off in a couple weeks goes just as smooth!).
Mike and I ran the BIX on Saturday. I wasn't able to train for it as much as I should have due to some hip pain I've had off and on, but all turned out OK! The weather was AMAZINGLY cool, which is PERFECT for running. I was able to cut 8 minutes off of my time from last year and Mike finished about 30 seconds before me. He did awesome for his first real race and I was happy with my improvement over last year! :)
Mariah was on a roll these past two weeks - I tried to document everything she said and here's some of them:
- "Hey Mom, guess what! I know all my letters and I can count to 24!"
- "I don't like sun - I only like music, ice pops and suckers!"
- "Mom, why do you live in the garage?"
I have no explanation for any of the above - except maybe bullet #2...
My brother Evan turned 17 on July 23rd. What? 17? Some days I feel like I'M still 17 - and he's a whole 11 years younger! We celebrated with good food and an ice cream cake :) Mariah even made Evan a little card that she was SO proud to open with him. She loves her Uncle Ev :)
On Saturday, July 27th I met up with some high school friends for an "informal" 10 year reunion. We had a blast looking through the year book and catching up on what everyone had been up to! It's incredibly hard to believe that high school was 10 whole years ago. Thankfully our old age didn't keep us from having a good time (some more than others - ahem - MIKE) ;)
Madden had a BLAST with the sprinkler with all the HOT days we had!
We enjoyed many laughs watching Madden vs. the sprinkler :)