Madden cut 2 new teeth this week! For the longest time he's just had the two front bottom teeth and then some molars way back there - but he finally got a few more teeth to balance it out :) My favorite thing he started doing this week was answering questions. If I ask him a question like "Did Mariah go upstairs?" he looks at me and goes "mm hmm!".
We also had a little neighborhood cook out this week. Madden sat at the kid table and ate his food off the plate with a spoon all by himself! My little baby is growing up before our eyes!

Mariah is getting to be quite the artist. She was drawing one morning before going to day care and I asked her what she was making - she said "A TURTLE" and then showed me her picture. I must say that I was pretty impressed, I mean is that a turtle or what? :)
I also love lately when we drop Mariah off at day care she likes to give a million hugs and kisses. Then she waves and says "See you in a lib-a-dit!" (little bit) :)
Mike and I had a BUSY week/weekend - it's our 4th year as directors on the Quad City Air Show committee. Being responsible for the admissions, gates and parking is quite the undertaking - but I must say its an honor to be a part of it all and it's the least we can do for my parents who have done SO much for us :) The weekend went well and we had a great time - although to say that we are exhausted would be an understatement. ;)
Mariah has been extending her bath time as long as she can lately. One time this week when we were begging her to get out of the tub she responded:
"I need a couple more minutes! I'm making chocolate chip cookies!"
As she proceeded to pour water from one cup to another.
Is this a sign that I bake too much? Maybe? ;)
The air show weekend is always a memorable one. It's great to see so many friends and family members, watch the incredible performances and be a part of such a wonderful event which my parents truly put their heart and soul into.
The weekend kicked off with a party Friday evening where the directors, performers and sponsors of the air show were honored and recognized. Mariah and Madden enjoyed the good food and the fun toys (aka a pay phone in the lobby...ha).
The weekend continued with two great air show days Saturday and Sunday. Even with the sequester canceling all military acts, the show was beyond fantastic! One would expect nothing less :)
is getting out of control! Who knew broccoli would get SO big SO fast!
It's exciting to see it all grow - but definitely noting next year to space those plants out more (even if they look super tiny and spread out in the beginning! ;)