Madden hit the big 18 MONTH mark this week and is continuing to grow his vocabulary more and more! He’s at the point in development where he’s making connections and communicates everything he’s doing. For example, he picks up a ball and says “BALL”, then goes into the other room and picks up his sippy cup and says “WATER”, the walks over to the window and says “OUTSIDE”. I totally remember Mariah in this stage – so fun to see them learning!!
Madden is also into books lately – which is GREAT! For a while we were having a tough time getting him to sit still long enough to read a page or two, but now he happily sits there and participates. His favorite books right now are Grandma & Me (Karen Katz), Grandpa & Me (Karen Katz) and Llama Llama Red Pajama (Anna Dewdney). We have SO much fun reading together!
Mariah is quite the swimmer! With the second week of swimming lessons under her belt she is really starting to catch on. She’s getting comfortable with putting her head under water which is always a big thing to conquer. She also has a pretty mean kick!
One day this week Mariah came home from day care and insisted she HAD to have a hula hoop - and let me tell you she has some pretty mad hula hoop skills (well, she's for SURE better at it than me :)
One day this week Mariah came home from day care and insisted she HAD to have a hula hoop - and let me tell you she has some pretty mad hula hoop skills (well, she's for SURE better at it than me :)
In other news, she is getting really good at drawing shapes and recognizing letters. For example, I she had a grilled cheese for lunch one day and I cut it diagonal – she commented that it made a two triangles! And then she put them together and said it’s a square! She’s such a smart girl and is growing up so fast. It’s hard to believe that she starts preschool here in just a couple months! She’s SO ready though !
Happy Father’s Day to Mike! I definitely don’t tell him this enough, but he is a wonderful father! Mike would do anything for Mariah and Madden (almost to a fault, because I end up being the “mean” one laying down the rules while Mike gets to be the “fun” one ). Really though, he’s there every step of the way and I couldn’t be more thankful that he’s so involved. Whether it’s changing a diaper, making dinner, or playing – he does it all! Although I wouldn’t have considered his father’s day very “relaxing” for him I can ensure you we had fun as a family!
Things are really starting to take off on my etsy shop! I am slowing growing my inventory and have decided to change my focus to a PRINTABLE market – that is, you receive the file fully customized and can print it yourself at home, kinkos, walgreens, walmart, etc. I think people are really into this so they aren’t limited to a quantity but can still get that personalized look! Please keep HoneyBeanDesigns in mind for your next event – we do 100% custom orders + printing as well if you’d rather not print yourself :)
Changing it up this week to Funny Words from Madden :)
Madden singing Happy Birthday in honor of his HALF birthday
Another busy summer weekend around these parts! I couldn’t limit it to just one activity since our weekend seemed to be one thing right after the other. I was also not so good at taking pictures – but that’s because I was busy enjoying the moments!
We started Saturday off with swimming lessons and then out to the airport to see how things are moving along in preparation for the Quad City Air Show this next weekend.
Then, it was off to Iowa City for a little family reunion with the Wilsons (my mom’s side). We had fun catching up with family whom we don’t get to see too often due to geographical limitations. Mariah and Madden even got to meet a new cousin Charlotte (daughter of my cousin and his wife) who recently turned one! She’s beyond adorable and definitely a busy girl with places to go and things to do!
Until next week! :)
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