Madden is saying new words constantly, but my favorite one from this week is "Riah". He loves his big sister. Since Madden is usually the first person up in the morning, he loves to go into Mariah's room and wake her up for the day :)
He also completes the phrase when we say "Ready, Set..." "GO!"
Mariah is growing up so fast.
I love how we can have perfectly normal conversations or even run errands together.
She's definitely becoming independent and loves to help with everything!
Mike broke out his carpentry skills this weekend and built a couple raised garden beds for our garden-to-be. Since we almost always eat at home, we thought it would be so rewarding to grow our own herbs and maybe a few veggies, too! We are definitely planning to start out small and manageable, but we're excited to see how it goes!
I worked on a lot of little projects this weekend. DIY projects include a "say grace" sign for our dining room (made from an old shelf from a bookcase) and a running bib and medal holder (made from floating shelves we were no longer using). I love simple projects!

Moby is his normal, crazy self. He already weighs 14 pounds! I am nervous about how big this boy is going to be! YIKES.
Mariah's hilarious comments were at an all time high this week. Seriously, I just laugh reading through these!
"DAD! Why are you vacuuming like that? It's too loud!" {In reference to Mike mowing the lawn}
"It's an ARMADILLA!" {While reading a book of 100 animals - we will have to do a youtube video of her reading it sometime. This girl LITERALLY knows 90+ of the 100 animals. This includes meercat, macaw, terrapin, kookaburra... ya, crazy!}
"Time for Moby to go to his cave!" {She thinks when we reference the puppy's "cage" that we are saying "cave"}
After I picked her up from day care one of the days this week:
Mariah - "Hey Mom, my school is called paint balls, right?"
Me - "What? Oh, you meant St. Paul's?"
Mariah - "YA, ya, St. Pauls, that's right."
At Church this morning (we've been showing her how to do the sign of the cross, say amen, fold her hands, etc). Mariah had her hands folded and looked frustrated and I asked what was wrong and she said "My pinkies are out of order!"
Playing Outside
We spent a lot of time outdoors this weekend! We had some gorgeous weather today and the kids loved playing in the backyard. I can't wait for these days to be here for good :)
Lots of cargo in the back seat! :) |
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