I was sitting at work today thinking about what we should do for dinner. Meat options were out of the question being the first Friday of Lent. Maybe fish? Or pasta? or....BREAKFAST? :) Breakfast for dinner is a wonderful thing, and pancakes sounded perfect!
We have boxed pancake mix, but I know it has milk in it (which means Mariah can't have em). So I did a quick search for a dairy and egg free pancake mix, found a recipe that seemed simple enough, and gave it a try!
Let me tell you - these were the BEST pancakes I've ever had! I've never made pancakes from scratch, but it is WELL worth the extra effort. Plus the fact that these are safe for Mariah is a huge bonus!
Egg Free, Dairy Free Pancakes

1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 cup rice milk (or regular milk)
1.5 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
(We also added dairy free chocolate chips! YUM!)
Whisk or sift flour and baking soda/powder and salt.
Add sugar.
Add vanilla and oil and half the rice milk. Whisk together.
Gradually add the rest of the rice milk until normal pancake pouring consistency.
Heat over medium heat and turn when bubbles form in batter.
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