On a daily basis Mariah brings art projects home from day care. I LOVE looking at them and talking to her about the fun things she made. For a long time I was keeping them in a file folder until it was bursting at the seams, at which point I sorted through them and decided which ones we should keep and which were OK to get rid of.
Then I came across a fabulous post on pinterest about scanning and making a photo book with all of the art projects! What a genius idea!
Last night both kids were in bed by 8:45pm (AMAZING!). So I decided to spend the next hour scanning in art work. It actually went way quicker that I thought it would, and we are well on our way to creating this book! And how awesome that I won't have an entire file cabinet full of squished art work taking up space in our home that's already bursting at the seams :)
Here's a project Mariah just made for us on Valentines day:

Madden even made one, too! :)

How fun will it be to look back on all these projects one day and have it all nicely organized in a photo book?!
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